CHORNANCAP: “Paisaje sagrado, memoria social y ancestralidad entre la Luna y el Mar, cultura Lambayeque-Perú”

Carlos Wester La Torre



Presentamos los testimonios materiales de la arquitectura en Chornancap y los elementos asociados, que permiten definir un modelo de arquitectura inspirada en una organizaciónpolítica que construye y alimenta su memoria social y ancestralidad con elementos como laLuna, el Mar y la tradición oral, que contribuyen a configurar el paisaje sagrado. Mostramosevidencias de las excavaciones en Chornancap que ofrecen argumentos para definir el estatus,rolespolíticoyreligiosodelaselites,asícomosurelaciónydinámicaenelcontexto
losespaciosdondelaeliteLambayequeprotagonizóyperennizólosmásimportantesepi-sodios de su historia.Palabras clave: Luna, Mar, Ancestralidad, Paisaje, Memoria



We present the material testimonies of the architecture in Chornancap and its associated elements, which allow us to define a model of architecture inspired by a political organization
that builds and feeds its social memory and ancestry with elements such as theMoon, the Sea and oral tradition, which contribute to configure the sacred landscape. Weshow evidence from the excavations at Chornancap that offer arguments to define the status,political and religious roles of the elites, as well as their relationship and dynamics in themacro-regional context. The Throne with the “sacristy” and the patio of the polychromepaintings with successive phases located to the north, and the Elite Residence to the southof Chornancap, show a typical architectural configuration of the temple-residence-mauso-leum, associated with a symbolic richness that does not we had explored, which reveals andlegitimizes not only the sacred scenarios around the idea of the temple, but also leads usto a narrative that allows us to identify the spaces where the Lambayeque elite starred andperpetuated the most important episodes of its history.Keywords: Moon, Sea, Ancestrality, Landscape, Memory

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