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Bathroom Sink Methodology: How To Keep Bathroom Sinks Clean

Rhoda Chalmers (2018-10-23)

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Is there a way to clean your bathroom sink that will help it stay clean in spite of all of the use it gets every day? Here are a few handy hints for those whose bathroom sinks present them with constant frustration:

1. If you are the person who does the majority of the household cleaning, try to be the last person who uses the bathroom in the mornings and in the evenings. This way you can give the sink a quick swipe with a cloth after your use and be secure in the knowledge that, most likely, the major messes will have already happened.

2. Choose your cleaning solution wisely. Many people think that sink cleaners are all basically the same solution of chemicals. This is not true. The chemicals contained in a cleaning solution will vary depending on the type of sink that needs to be cleaned. An enamel bathroom sink will need a different type of cleaner than a porcelain bathroom sink or a metal bathroom sink. Make sure you read the label of your cleaner before applying it to the sink. If you are using the wrong cleaner, you might be doing more harm than good!

3. Scrub your bathroom sinks at least once a week with a good scrubber. This scrubber will scrape away any of the build up that which you do not usually notice in other kinds of sinks might have missed in your daily wipe downs. Microfiber scrubbers are becoming very popular because they are tough on grime but can be reused often and washed in the washing machine.

4. Find a place for the clutter that usually surrounds bathroom sinks: hairbrushes, toothbrushes, water cups, toothpaste containers, etc. Sometimes having the clutter away from the bathroom sink's immediate vicinity can spell the difference between clean and needing to be cleaned. If your bathroom is small you might consider purchasing a small cabinet that can rest on top of your counter or that can be mounted to the wall somewhere out of the way.

5. Make sure that the faucet and the water knobs on your bathroom sink are secure. Many people don't take the time to do this and then get angry because they are constantly having to clean up water stains--stains that come from a leaky faucet and knobs!

Cleaning bathroom sinks is not usually a fun chore, but if kept up with regularly, your bathroom sink will always look presentable!

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ISSN: 19915837