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Choosing Between the Various Exercise Bicycles

Spencer Reddy (2018-10-20)

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Walk into any sporting goods store today and you'll there's a wealth of options when it comes to exercise bicycles, and a wide range of price and features as well. While you want to invest wisely in this type of equipment you also want to be sure that you're getting your money's worth and aren't paying for things you don't need or just plain old overpaying for even a basic model. So what is the best upright vacuum cleaner should you look for when it comes to exercise bicycles and how can you make your decision?

First keep in mind that there are recumbent bikes and upright exercise bicycles; the recumbent mean that you lean back in the seat of the bike and these usually even have a back that you can rest against. Your legs are in front of you while you pedal. Upright exercise bicycles are taller and the pedals are below your body; you typically lean forward on the handles while you pedal, or sit upright. Men should be especially careful about using a standard upright bike because the narrow seat puts a lot of pressure on the prostate gland.

The recumbent bikes are much easier on the back while the upright models actually typically give you a better workout in your legs. If you're just starting out or are still very overweight, or have any type of back problems, you may want to opt for something by way of one of these recumbent exercise bicycles so that you're not putting undue stress on your legs or back.

Both of the upright and recumbent bicycles have one thing in common. They are considered low impact devices. Unlike treadmills machines the exercise bicycles produces a smooth motion without the jarring, joint damaging action of walking or running. For someone with any type of joint or back problem this low impact motions will mean the difference between using the exercise machine and not using it. What good is any exercise machine if you will not use it.

Other features and options that you're going to find with most exercise bicycles have to do with the level of resistance you can program and how smoothly the operation is. Many of the better or more expensive models of bikes will allow you to program in various levels of resistance, whereas less expensive models don't have so many options.

It is usually better to have more options than less when it comes to resistance as many people are surprised by how much of a workout exercise bicycles actually are. Some may also have programs, meaning the bike will automatically adjust resistance while you work according to preset programming. This is great for those looking for a challenge when it comes to biking, as you don't need to worry about making adjustments while you pedal.

When you're shopping for exercise bicycles, be sure to try out a few models and see which feel smooth while you pedal. Most are made up of a few simple wheels and gears and aren't that complicated when it comes to their design and engineering. Unfortunately this simplicity can mean that the gears just don't mesh well and the bike becomes uncomfortable when used. So think of your budget, your level of fitness right now, and try out a few different exercise bicycles and you're sure to make the right choice.

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