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The Ladder Of Life

Jonelle Mattner (2019-01-04)

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Let the rungs represent your successes. You can picture as many rungs as you want on this ladder because it is your ladder. You and you alone are responsible for it. Let the rungs also represent your failures for there will be many throughout your lifetime. As you venture deeper into life, years having passed by, you can look back and hopefully the success/failure ratio will be to your benefit. I hope you do not look back and say, "My, what a waste." Others might say that about you, but not you. There will always be jealousy from others because of your accomplishments. There will also be those who will tell you, "I told you so." Pay no attention to them. Get as far away from them as possible. Their goal is to make everyone else look bad and they look good. You do not need them on your ladder. They will only take up space. The people that you want on your ladder are those who are going the same direction you are, and that is up. No other direction in life satisfies like `up' does.


Picture with me a ladder, a straight ladder with no supports. Not a stepladder or an extension ladder but the type you would lean up against the house to climb up on the roof. Picture it as long as your imagination will allow you. Let the bottom of the ladder represent your birth into this world and the very top of the ladder represent your departure from it.


On a scale of 1-10 where are you relative to where you should be? Where should you be at age 25, 35, 50 and older? How far should you go on this success journey? Here is a great question for you. How tall should a tree grow? And the answer is, as tall as it wants to. Have you ever heard of a tree growing just half way and stopping? I haven't. Suppose the tree says I don't like it where I'm at. I think I'll stop growing. I don't like the climate here so I'll move to another state. But what if the climate is the same there? What then? What if the tree says I don't like the weather here? It is to hot, to cold, to wet and to dry. I'm quitting this game called life. Do you know that is exactly what people do? They complain about the seasons of life when that is all they have. Sometimes you just gotta put up with where you are at in life and get on with it. Stop complaining. It doesn't help if nothing changes because of your complaints.


Flights originating at Grand Canyon National Park Airport in Tusayan, AZ take you to the South Rim. In this part of the canyon, the Little Colorado River snakes through, changing color from red to blue, but you can only see it from the air since landing is not permitted at the South Rim. The color of this river varies with the water's mineral content and the season.

You'll also see during this helicopter ride the almost-untouched North Rim, blanketed in trees and other vegetation. It is a very different view than the barren rock walls that make up other parts of the canyon. On the way back to the South Rim, you'll pass through dramatic Dragoon Corridor.


Let me quickly define success. It is a few simple disciplines practiced every day for the rest of your life. Ancient Script gives this definition for success. It is acting wisely in the affairs of life and/or handling accurately the affairs of life. I cannot leave this without giving you the definition for failure. Failure is daily errors in judgment left unattended resulting in chaos and failure. When you fail, and you will, you must attend the errors in judgment that caused the failure and correct them, otherwise, you will continue to fail until you care not about failure. It will then become part of you and you will have missed life still standing on the first rung of your ladder.


The rungs of your ladder could represent your past accomplishments and successes and perhaps a few errors in judgment called failures which means something less than hoped for. You say, "I didn't bargain for this but here it is. I guess I am going to have to deal with it." Errors in judgment are things that happen when you are out of focus on what is really required for living life successfully. However they must happen in life since that is how we learn. Hopefully we don't go back and repeat the same errors. This would be foolhardy and there is nothing to gain from such action. Sadly, too many people do this. They live in the same old ruts day after day satisfied that life has dealt them misery and there is nothing they can do about it. They have surrended to failure and failure has them in its grip. The grip is so tight that it chokes any visions of hope and success. They can see no further than the failure that lies within them.


Have you ever seen someone holding a ladder for someone else to climb? Sadly you will seldom see that in today's society. Have you ever been asked to hold the ladder while someone else climbed it? Hard to do isn't it? And the reason is because we don't want any one else to get ahead of us. If you don't think so, watch the traffic on a busy freeway at quitting time. Everybody wants to be first in line. Here is the key. No man is an island unto himself. You cannot pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. If you want to be first, be last. Now that is diametrically opposed to man's philosophy. But God knew man would want to be first so He put that principle in the Bible for man. But, you must USE this principle when climbing your own life's ladder. Who cares if another person gets to the top before you? That's what it is all about. Believe me, if you will help enough other people to get to the top, there will come the time when you to, will be at the top. There will always come the time for reaping if you will plant great disciplines in your life. As you grow, share with others what you have learned. Begin mentoring someone. What a change that will make in you when you get you out of the way by putting others first..

The raw diet consists of eating uncooked and unprocessed foods. Some of these foods are sprouts, grains, nuts, beans, fruit, and vegetables. We need the enzymes they contain and when they're heated the enzymes are destroyed. By eating foods that are 75% raw you will begin to notice a vast improvement in the texture of your skin and you'll even appear younger. What's the harm in keeping everyone guessing for awhile longer?

Many professionals who already have a bachelor's degree are turning to distance learning MBA programs in order to get their master's in business on their own time or while working a job that may be very demanding.

Erosion caused by the Arizona River carved out this remarkable place over the course of 17,000,000 years. History is recorded in the colorful rock layers that make up the canyon walls. It is a unique mixture of history and art because the rock formations are magnificent and ablaze with red and orange color.


Ageless state Not only does Ageless anti aging serum fight lines and wrinkles, it also targets and diminishes the appearance of age spots and skin discoloration, restoring a youthful glow that any woman, or man will be delighted with. Its powerful all natural formula contains some of the finest fruit and herb extracts available, including the powerful Acai berry.

Keep your kids engaged and have them be on lookout for wildlife such as the California condor, hawks, bighorn sheep, and rock squirrels. Seeing them will give you the opportunity to teach your kids about nature's delicate ecosystems and how plants and animals live together. Your kids can learn what different animals look like, where they live, and get an idea of what they eat and whether they're dangerous if provoked.

Now how is this ladder supported? It is supported by standing it on solid ground. The solid ground represents, among other things, faith, integrity and truth. Remember the ladder represents you. Let it represent you well after your departure. If people have nothing to say about you after your departure, then perhaps you didn't do all you could have. Let the foundation for your ladder come from a solid philosophy about life. Let it be the philosophy of a winner. Let it be the philosophy of one who has experienced both winning and loosing for life is a mixture of up and down. You cannot expect to win at all things but you can expect to receive all that life has to offer if you will take the good with the bad, mix them together, knowing that all things work together for good and hopefully your life will make a statement in your philosophy that there was more good than bad.

Helicopter tours that fly out of Vegas pass over Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, an extinct volcano and other sights on their way to Grand Canyon West (the West Rim). The big thrill is waiting at the canyon itself and the site of it will take away your breath.


So, what you set as a standard for your life determines the income from your outflow. If you have poor standards, you will receive in like kind. Set poor standards and receive poor measurements. It will not be a full measurement. It will not be running over. The Bible again says that if you give, your return will be overflowing. It will be a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. I would call that a good measure. If you will establish early on in life good standards, that is, those that will produce good results, then your end result will be a running over of good, and more than you can handle. Jim Rohn says if you want to balance your checkbook, give a chunk of it away at various times. That is a good standard to live by. It brings balance to the whole of things. No one then has too much of anything. That is the way it was intended according to Old Testament teachings. But we've gotten greedy. Now some have too much and some have to little.


Air tours give amateur photographers plenty of opportunities to capture the amazing sights. If you go on the air tour that lands on the bottom of the canyon, you will have the chance to take amazing scenic photos of beautiful nature scenes not found on top of the rim. It's the best of both worlds: from your 'copter you'll see the river from high above and then up close and personal after you land.

There will be many opponents as you strive toward that which is good. Who are they? Anyone who is opposed to your forward movement in life. It is anyone who cannot stand to see others win. You will find them on every street corner. Stay alert and be aware of them. Their goal in life is to see you fall and to stay in that fallen condition. You are not a threat to them as long as you stay down.


Collagen, Elastin, Allantoin, Aloe, Enzyme CoQ10, Glycosaminoglycans, Panthenol, Citrus Aurantium Blend,
Plus 12 Phytonutrient Extracts from Acai, Goji, Mangosteen, Noni, Pomegranate, Grapeskin, Blueberry, Acerola Cherry, Red Currant, Red Radish and Red Raspberry.


Many of those who practically live in the sun are a bit disturbed when they hear this. However, the sun is damaging to your skin so it's best to wear the right protection in the form of sunscreen. The sun encourages wrinkles to develop and makes you look older than your actual age. It's never too late to start taking care of your skin and do you really want to look older rather than younger?It's difficult to comprehend the sheer immensity of the place. As you stand on the rim, you have to look over the edge and almost a mile straight down to see the Colorado River winding along the canyon floor. The river looks more like a silvery ribbon than what it really is - the force that created the gorge over hundreds of millions of years. Grand Canyon float tours give you an ?up-close-and-personal? view of the river and you'll be awed by the canyon walls towering above you.

These Grand Canyon rafting adventures are the perfect way to get your kids unplugged and into nature and the environment. These trips are educational, the views are breathtaking, and floating down the river is always fun for everyone!

Did you know that the Grand Canyon, located in the great American Southwest (Arizona, to be precise), is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World? And it's no wonder. The scenic vistas offered at the canyon are simply spectacular. There is no other place on earth like it.

It is the same way with life. You must get your moneys worth. But if you put nothing into life you will receive back a like measurement. Nothing is a measurement. Nothing equals nothing. You get short changed. It is called a just return, a just weight. The problem is we let so many people short change us by setting standards for us that will not produce profit. Profit is a measure. The measure is determined by what you have put into the product and the product is you. Put nothing in and get nothing out. So, with no set standards of value, you will always receive a poor measurement. You will always be living on barely get along street in poverty city.


Now there is a major opponent we ALL will constantly have trouble with. He seems to show up at every turn in the road especially when we are trying our best to move forward in our endeavors. He is the same one who whispered to Eve. "Go ahead Eve, make my day. Have a bite." Well she did and she got knocked off her ladder big time. So did her husband Adam. In fact it was so serious, they were expelled from their own home called Paradise. Now that is a fall! What a way to go. They had it made, but that is another story and for another time.

Every teacher and parent knows it's important to keep children's interest. Although most kids are inquisitive, they also have shorter attention spans than most adults. One of the best ways to overcome a child's tendency to get bored is by changing the topic frequently. Nothing combines just the right amount of excitement and changing sights and topics better than a smooth-water rafting trip. Your kids will learn a lot about nature and geology when they take a Grand Canyon float trip and they will have a great time doing it.

Native American history and culture has a presence in the Grand Canyon as well. Hualapai Indians have lived in the Grand Canyon thousands of years and now own the land at the West Rim. The Hualapai have become creative in ways to earn money from their land since the old ways of hunting for a living are gone, and one of the things they do is earn income from the Skywalk glass bridge.

One West Rim chopper tour actually lands on the canyon floor, 3,500 feet below the rim. While you're there, you'll enjoy a champagne lunch. The pilots on the choppers are also knowledgeable tour guides and will inform and entertain you during the trip.


Many accredited universities are beginning to offer distance learning MBA courses in an attempt to reach students who are not able to attend on campus classes for a wide variety of reasons. Many institutions that offer distance learning MBA courses are considered a distance learning college, but many traditional educational institutions are also offering distance learning courses that allow alumni to get a distance learning MBA from their alma matter. However, many times a degree from a distance learning college carries the same weight as a degree earned by students who had the opportunity to attain the same degree in a traditional classroom setting. In fact, some employers and industries actively recruit graduates from a distance learning college because of the ability and discipline it takes to graduate from a distance learning program, especially a distance learning MBA. Graduating by taking advantage of distance learning courses also shows a lot of determination and the drive to succeed, which are the kind of qualities many companies like to see in their new recruits.


Ageless anti aging serum is a new product designed to fight those tell tale lines and wrinkles and give you back the skin you had years ago, all without harsh chemicals or painful, expensive injections.


Do you remember the foundation I had talked about earlier in this presentation? It was the bedrock upon which you would stand your ladder. But so many times people build upon sinking sand. As you climb your ladder of life, the ladder simply disappears into the sinking sand beneath it. When you reach life's end, you find yourself on the same rung of the ladder as you started out with. Now that is not called progress. It is called disaster. The one thing that will drive your ladder into the sinking sand faster than anything else is the weight of regret. Regretting that you have done nothing with your time and opportunity up until this day of your life. Everything looks bleak and blah, no hope in sight. Ah, but there is hope. You can start again. All you have to do is move your ladder onto solid rock. And may I suggest to you that it is closer than you think. The bedrock could mean truth, integrity, hope, self worth, a right attitude, a positive outlook on life; a help to others and the list is endless. You can make your own list. Make sure it is a list of things that will withstand the storms of life and prove themselves to be faithful to those who will embrace them.r

Battling wrinkles can be tough but not 'as' tough when you use an anti wrinkle cream. You should notice results almost instantly from your anti aging wrinkle cream and it's even more beneficial to continue seeing results over time. There shouldn't be any waiting for 30 days you should actually avoid these types of products at all costs. Try to find a cream that offers a money back guarantee so if the product gives you no results you aren't out any money.

Now let the bottom rung of the ladder be the minimum and the top the maximum. Use that for your standard of measure. You say, "I've not gone very far." "How hard have you tried?" I would ask. And you would say, "Not very hard." Then I would say, "You aren't where you should be on the ladder of life because you haven't given it your all." Life demands and expects your all. You cannot take from life all the time and keep expecting her to hand you everything. Pretty soon the well is going to go dry and you're going to be left holding an empty bucket waiting for the well to fill back up. It is time to start giving life everything you have. You're probably wondering where IT is. Well IT is on the inside of you. All you have need of is on the inside of you. Now you have to persuade it to come to the surface and you do that by attending the lectures, reading the books, taking the extra classes, listening to the audio tapes and watching the videos, all of which, should pertain to personal growth; your personal growth. And it wouldn't hurt to sit in on a few good bible lessons and sermons. Who knows what that might bring out of you? You'll never know until you try. Take the initiative. Don't settle for someone else's plan for your life. YOU be a product of your own conclusion. STOP letting people sell you on plans that will not produce anything for you. By the way, you would be surprised at how much you already know and it's already on the inside of you. The extra time you spend on you will draw it out. You can work hard on the job and make a living. You can work hard on you and make a fortune.


Now why these two stories you ask? Because both of them resemble our climb up the ladder of life. Sometimes it is perilous. Sometimes it is scary and sometimes fun. It is a mixture of things. But most of the time it is fun.


As you climb your ladder you will meet others on their way up or their way down. Those on the way down find life to hard to handle and have gone to join the easy crowd at the bottom of the ladder just milling around waiting for something for nothing to show up so they can grab it with minimum effort. But not you. You continue your upward climb taking those with you headed in the same direction and with purpose in mind.


There will be times in your life in which you will neither ascend nor descend. You'll stay right where you are until valuable lessons are learned and experienced. It is called learning time. To ascend without learning valuable lessons for living will only cause you to plummet ground ward, sometimes never to recover from the fall.


- The Grizzly Rose
Wear your Wrangler jeans and slide into those vintage cowboy boots. You can definitely wear a sexy skirt, but if you have plans on riding the mechanical bull, it would be best to bring bloomers. Order glasses of brewskies and dance to live country music. Get ready to cowboy up in theDenver adult dating scene.


Let the first few rungs on the ladder represent your years of life from birth up to your teen years. Since this is your life you can place yourself on whatever rung of the ladder you think you have achieved to and you get to show your own personal growth record. Suppose everything goes really well and you are now approaching adulthood. Life takes on a different meaning. It becomes a struggle as you climb the ladder. Prior to this things were not that difficult. You rocked along with not much responsibility and life was a fun game. But now life is no longer a game. You are now a participant in a serious adventure called life. This adventure will include other people and relationships will enter the picture. Had there been only one of you and no other people, life would have been a breeze. But others have come to intrude on your adventure and cause complexities. It is called living.


Other programs take advantage of a technology called Live Interactive Television. Live Interactive Television allows students to view a real time lesson by an instructor in a distant location. This technology makes it possible for students to ask questions and interact with instructors, which bridges the distance that separates them. Although this format takes some time to get used to, it can allow an instructor to reach a very large audience, as well as exposing students to instructors and guest speakers that they normally would not have access to. It also allows much of the structure that comes along with a traditional classroom.


Harnessed up, I began the long climb to the top carrying heavy gear as I went. Slamming my spikes in the side of the pole dislodged some of the ice but there was still some that remained. I was having a very tough time. It was so cold that my joints were aching and the climb was very slow and tedious. I slipped several times and would plummet a few feet towards the ground when I'd get a spike driven into the wood of the pole and stop the descent. Scared? No, of course not. Scared to death, yes. I finally made it to the top, did what I was supposed to do and began my climb down. New ice had formed on the pole and it was more difficult going down then it was going up..

Furthering yourself via distance learning MBAs can be challenging, but many employers and professionals see the difference between an MBA and a bachelor's degree like the difference between a bachelor's degree and a high school diploma.


- Water Course Foods
If he wants to veg you up, youll both mosey over to this hip uptown vegetarian restaurant. Make sure to get yourself enough protein to sustain you until you can sneak a chunk of beef jerky from your purse.


- Red Rocks Amphitheater
Going for a date in the summer might involve a night at Film on the Rocks. Remember to bring some pillows to sit on and a blanket to cuddle under. Films like The Big Lebowski and Sixteen Candles can bring you to yuppie heaven.


Have you ever climbed an ice-covered ladder? I have and many times because I was raised in Maine where the winters can get quite severe. It is quite a sight to see someone do that. Dangerous yes, but funny also if taken in the right spirit. One rung up and two down. You never seem to get anywhere. The top was always just out of reach. I use to climb the ladder in the wintertime to shovel the snow off the roof of the old house I had lived in. Rather than try to break the ice off the rungs for some sure footing, I would attempt this 7-8 foot climb barely making it at times. Most of the time I just gave up. That is what most people do; they simply give up. I know because I was one of them. When the going gets a little slippery and tough to manage and you seem to be making no headway, toughen up, don't give up, and get on with it. Once past the rough, tough spots, you will make some major headway until the next storms of life come around. Here is some good news. You WILL survive the storms of life. You will handle the next rungs on your ladder of life because you had the guts to tackle those beneath you. Those are your victories. It is so much fun getting to the top and looking down realizing your determination to win outweighed the weight of regret for not having tried. Cleaning up the rungs on the ladder of life as you go helps you to maintain the forward motion necessary for the next rung, and the next, until you reach the top. Get the obstacles out of the way. Make a pathway AND keep looking up.


There is no better place in the U.S. to take a family vacation than the Grand Canyon. Besides the obvious sightseeing (there's nothing like it!), you can even take a smooth-water rafting trip down the Colorado River. The water is very calm so these float trips are perfect for kids over four years of age and senior citizens too.


The Urban Hippie
- Corepower Yoga
Wear your sexiest spandex and meet your date at Corepower for some morning exercise. The more you sweat, the more it will turn him on. Note: The place can get crowded, so be ready have your face just inches from his butt.


Still, some distance learning MBA programs include televised courses. Televised courses allow students to record lessons and watch them at their convenience. While televised courses are somewhat more convenient than Live Interactive Television, televised courses do not permit students to ask questions in real time.


There are at least two reasons why man will climb the ladder. The obvious is to get to the top. But why the top? One, man is greedy and selfish. His only reason for reaching the top is for personal gain at the expense of others not at the service of others. The second reason a man climbs the ladder is to take others with him. It might be called mentoring. If you were on rung X of the ladder and saw others beneath you seeking success, what would you do for them? Most would bring those beneath them to the rung they are on. That is called positioning so that you do not get any higher in life than I do. But the person who loves to see others win would position the success seeker a rung above him. Why? Because it is the right thing to do. But there is another reason. Suppose you get stuck on rung X. The person whom you elevated to the rung above you could now reach down and elevate you to the rung above him and the process continues throughout life. It is called helping other people. Someone said if you will help enough people in life get what they want, there will come a time in your own life in which you will get everything you want. It is called reciprocity or the law of mutual exchange.


Helicopters are the ideal aircraft for taking an air tour of the Grand Canyon. This spectacular place is so immense that it can even be seen from outer space. Of course, you will have a much better and more up-close view from a chopper.


- National Western Complex Stadium
The second date might just lead you to the National Western Stock Show and watch your date himself conquer a bull riding contest. Yeehaw!


Nobody wants to develop wrinkles and fine lines but it's just a part of life. Of course this doesn't mean we have to accept them and there are ways to look much younger as you age. Here are 5 of those top skin care tips for anti aging.Life is a climb but not necessarily a continuous climb. There will be detours, many of which will be unexpected. The question is how will you handle them? There will be times in which you will loose a fair amount of ground but the good news is you can continue the climb after the battle. You do not have to stay on the bottom rungs of your ladder of life.


Anti-aging skin care serum can easily be carried in pocket or purse. The recommended use is to apply twice daily, morning and night. Ageless Anti-Aging Serum is a virtually odorless and colorless gel that can be used by both women and men, and on all types of skin.


One of the most successful ways to project your company image is by giving away Promotional Merchandise personalised with your company logo.  You can select the products that best suit your customers individual requirements and something that will generate an interest in your business to both existing and potential clients.


Now is precisely the right time to put more effort into advertising your products and/or services. With low cost promotional merchandise options it doesnt have to cost you a fortune. In these difficult times you still need to keep your existing customers happy; to ensure their repeat business and you need to create greater visibility of your company to acquire new customers.


Brand Its comprehensive online catalogue provides you with the highest quality, low cost promotional merchandiseon the market, with one of the widest selections of advertising merchandise and promotional merchandise to choose

 However, even if you cook up some exciting dating ideas, its quite uncertain that you will put them into action admirably. Wooing someone is a skill and to win the heart of your lady love, you need to learn the great art of seduction by following some romantic dating tips. Since every woman has different persona, there is a very thin line in appearing lovable and cheesy. Do you want to look creepy while expressing your romantic feelings? Certainly not. So, why not take help of some romantic dating advices and show up as a man of passion and continue successfully with your courting period.


Let's proceed up our ladder. What is our purpose for climbing the ladder? Why should we reach out to success? Because it is within us to do so. It was created in us. The Master Creator did not create us as failures but as winners. All we have to do is follow the rules given us. It would be sad indeed if at age fifty we looked back and saw that we had barely left the first few rungs of the ladder. That was where we were when we first started out in life.


A different West Rim helicopter tour flies over the area and then lands near the fabulous Grand Canyon Skywalk. The Skywalk is an amazing cantilevered bridge that is made of glass and juts out 70 feet beyond the edge of the rim. You can walk out on glass and stand 4000 feet above the bottom of the canyon and immerse yourself in a scenic view like no other.


The research that has been done pertaining to high glucose levels showed that these same levels, after a meal is consumed, are spiked. This spike can actually age you and help form wrinkles by causing damage to your skin collagen. It's also been known to cause multiple diseases. Take care of your skin and keep it healthy and young while on this diet.


- Mercury Café
Your man might suggest open mic night or salsa dance lessons at this bohemian chic warehouse palace, so wear your brightest colors and load up on food before hitting this joint. The food can be bland and chewy.


A like situation happened to me when I climbed The Enchanted Rock in Fredericksburg Texas. I did it twice; once when I was 65 and the second when I was 69. It is about an hour to the top of the barren rock mountain and at an upward angle of about 30 to 40 degrees. It is tough to say the least and not for the faint of heart. Many gave up after just a few feet of climbing. It was especially hard if climbed in the summer and the heat soared in the afternoon sometimes to over 100 degrees. But the real problem was coming down. If you let your body momentum carry you to fast you would come crashing down possibly ending up with some very serious injuries.


You will see some of the most breathtaking views imaginable. The plateaus in the area are as high as 9000 feet above sea level. The only way to really see this immense wonder is to tour it from the air.

So, now if you find that cupid has struck or aiming his arrow towards you, then you need not let love fly-off the window. Embrace the beauty that love brings and celebrate great moments of love with romantic ideas for courtship. Always remember that if you know the trick and art of wooing your date in the right way, you can relish the loveliness and sweetness of your relationship forever


What you are looking for is a powerful advertising tool, that will reach the masses, is a cost effective exercise, that will excite your existing customers and that will have the greatest impact on your prospective clients, without over-stretching your budget. Something that will enhance your company image, earn respect and trust from your consumers and which in return will increase profitability in your business finances.

In order for one to discover his niche or what type of client is ideal for you it is best to find out what you are good in. Discover your skills, your assets and how you can apply this to your coaching career.  Becoming a life coach who knows what he is good at gives you leverage because you will be able to work and develop on what you are good at and help you succeed in helping your clients.

Wrinkles and fine lines are a natural side effect of the aging process. As skin ages it loses its youthful elasticity and new lines and wrinkles appear each and every day, especially under the eyes and around the mouth, in both males and females.


Becoming a life coach is not an easy task. It requires commitment, dedication and hard work. Once you have determined what your niche is you can develop it. The discovery of your niche is not your end goal. As a life coach, you are continuously growing. You may want to choose other niches, you feel you will be good at. But remember you also must be careful because having many niches does not mean you are good in all of them. It is always better to be good at a few them know many and be good at none. If you are able to establish your worth and bring in more clients, your coaching career will be well on its way to success and that is the real process of how to become a life coach!


Other natural ingredients like Aloe Vera gel, enzyme CoQ10, and some of the world's most powerful antioxidant fruit extracts like Acai and Goji help reverse the aging process and revitalize your skin, restoring its youthful radiance and beauty.

When you are off to becoming a life coach you will sooner or later ask yourself: What type of client will I offer my coaching services to? What type of coaching will I be good at? What will I specialize in? Sometimes we concentrate too much on answering the question how to become a life coach that we forget it is more important to concentrate on becoming a coach that succeeds in his practice. To succeed in coaching one must find his or her niche.

When you have discovered what your assets are you should choose your niche. This is an important step you must take when becoming a life coach. Although you will eventually learn this as you go on with your coaching career, it is still best that you have an idea of what you want to specialize in. You may want to consider coaching practices in the  health, beauty and wellness industry or you may want to tackle money and business or even try your hand at the dating and relationship sector. There are many niches to choose from and where you feel you can do your best and help more people then that is where you can begin. How to become a life coach does not end with the seminars and trainings, it is just the beginning. Knowing what your clients need and establishing a real connection with them is the key.

There is no doubt we have hit an economic crisis. With financial meltdown hitting the US and spreading to the other parts of the world, and many big organisations closing down, it is only natural to feel concerned for your business. Does this mean you have to stop promoting your company? Are you just going to sit back and wait for things to improve or indeed fall down around your feet without even trying to do something about it yourself, I think not! You need to speculate to accumulate.


Now why this Lesson For Living? It is to get you to start looking at your life and where you are right now. Are you where you should be? Are you where you want to be? Only you can answer that. It has been my experience with people that most are not where they want to be. But a better question is are you where you SHOULD be? To answer that would require some work on your behalf because no one else can give you giay the thao answer. Here is one very important rule. Don't compare where you are in life to where others are. It is foolhardy. Find you where YOU are supposed to be. Read the books on development. Go to the workshops and seminars. Listen to the audiotapes and view the videos. Listen to the sermons and bible studies. Above all, get WISDOM. You would be surprised where it will lead you. Start working on YOU. What a difference that will make in your journey.


A majority of skin care products contain Vitamin C such as rejuvenating or anti wrinkle products. There has been scientific research done to prove that Vitamin C does in fact help decrease wrinkles and fine lines. It helps synthesize the collagen and raise the collagen's synthesis a substantial amount. Vitamin C is also a very powerful antioxidant that helps combat any free radicals on your skin. When Vitamin C is properly applied to the skin it can create wonderful results with fewer wrinkles and better skin textur

Some folks prefer to stay on top and explore the rim they're visiting. Some hardy people like to hike down to the canyon floor. That would be difficult to do if you're traveling with younger children or senior citizens. You can get to the canyon floor in other ways though, so your family can take advantage of the unique perspective of floating down the river and looking up to the rim.

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ISSN: 19915837