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Mobile devices with cloud solutions are available for you now

Star Baccarini (2018-08-24)

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Today everyone associated with technology is going ga-ga over cloud computing. If you know cloud computing is all about delivering computer resources over a network that is usually the internet. The name cloud comes from the cloud shaped symbol used in describing the architecture of the entire system. This form of computing is usually done through remote services, thus reducing the load on hardware. And it is not just computers that are using cloud solutions now. Even mobile devices are running many of their applications over cloud and there are specific devices that have the capability for this.

Today people dont use phones but smartphones. In 2012 more than a third of all mobile phones sold were smartphones and the shipment of smartphone units went up to 154 million units, a year-on-year increase of almost 43%. Apple and Samsung together shipped 83% of all these smartphone units. With new players entering wordpress hosting the market with their cheaper smartphones it is expected that the smartphone sales figures will go up even more in 2013 and ahead. We may soon see feature phones being relegated to take a small share of overall mobile devices sold.

What smartphones have done is that they have allowed users to use more robust technology. Today when someone makes a call they often pay cheaper prices than the actual call rates. VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is an amazing technology that lets people use virtual numbers to make calls to all over the world. The next time you receive a call where a strange number is flashing on your mobile phone screen you can be rest assured that the phone call has been made internet technology, VoIP in this case. And since VoIP is all about virtual cloud solutions play a big role in letting people use such solutions.

Mobile solutions companies today are fighting tooth and nail to provide the cheapest services to customers. Earlier on one would have a hole in their pocket if they called Australia from the USA. But now you see people not only calling but chatting for hours over VoIP lines. VoIP, until recently, was limited to computer devices but now there are specific mobile devices that use cloud solutions to let you use VoIP through them. All you need to do is buy the right device and then buy a VoIP package to go along with it. Now you can make all the calls that you want and the bill will hardly reflect a change from the previous months. In fact, if you were paying a hefty amount for overseas calls all this while it will show a massive fall.

You have the opportunity to save money today thanks to robust cloud solutions. Choose from the available mobile devices that let you use these solutions and you will immediately start saving money on calls and texts. And your phone will be more secure too because cloud technology is one of the safest technologies to use today. Its all about making the right choices.

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