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"Mario" (2019-08-25)

En respuesta a Marie Sklodowska Curie
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The United States streamate cams There is now growing evidence that the foods that are thought to cause obesity do so by initiating addictive associations towards the high fat high sugar combinations that they invariably contain. These unnaturally high calorie combinations act to interfere with satiety mechanisms by blunting reward circuitry in the brain, therefore over time, you need to eat more to get the same feeling of satisfaction and fullness. A further spanner in the works of weight management for the very overweight, is the effect of obesity on sleep. As weight increases, quality and quantity of sleep reduces and sleep disturbance has a strong link to obesity. This may be due to its effect on the appetite hormones, or just that it is harder to make wise choices and feel in control when we are tired. Sleep deprivation may merely act to make one more fatigued and lethargic and this more sedentary. Add to all of the above increased levels of low self-esteem, depression and psychological disturbances that obese people experience, and it is clear to see how obesity becomes a vicious downward spiral of despair and frustration.

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ISSN: 19915837