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"Rogelio" (2019-08-09)

En respuesta a Marie Sklodowska Curie
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I'm only getting an answering machine tube 8 Wow, who would ever have thought that our explotation of the oil fields in a region of the world filled with fanatical religious zeolots who hate everyone else on the planet would result in such a conflagration. I sure am glad we spend our defense money on protecting the shores of our own country and not extending economic imperialism. Yes, if that were the case it would be $4 a gallon plus trillions to subsidize the protection of Exxons oil interests. Undoubtedly funded on the backs of future generations so that the vacuous self indulgent permanent children who now call themselves adults, could haul their giant funnel cake eating a$$es around in humungous SUVs and pick-up trucks because they are in the land of the free to be a moron.

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