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"Alton" (2019-08-03)

En respuesta a Marie Sklodowska Curie
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Since 2000 and the passage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act, we have had no major trade treaties with any African country, and U.S. trade with Africa has been relatively stagnant. AGOA has also been more a tool for development and a political incentive instrument, seldom used by the U.S. private sector. With Obama's new export initiative, there will be more emphasis on helping U.S. businesses engage in Africa. The private sector has agitated strongly for more bilateral treaties and an emphasis on economic regionalization, both areas that will fall under Froman's oversight. While there is an Assistant Trade Representative for Africa, many expect Froman to play a more active role in defining Africa trade policy for the administration, although he does now have global responsibilities.

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ISSN: 19915837