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"Cletus" (2019-07-24)

En respuesta a Marie Sklodowska Curie
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I quite like cooking What do Unilever’s investors think about all this? While Polman may sit in his London office thinking 30 years ahead – figuring out how to sustain supplies of raw materials on a crowded planet, and how to be a good corporate citizen – the City boys over the road that he relies on for finance often have time horizons of more like 30 minutes. Many see sustainability as so much soft soap. That is a problem, Neath agreed. 'Investors can’t build long-term stresses such as climate change and deforestation into their valuation models for companies they are thinking of investing in. So they ignore them. They ask about commodity prices, but they never link those prices with the macro-trends.’

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ISSN: 19915837