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Understanding Cinema 3D Glasses - Their History and Importance

Peggy Philpott (2019-02-28)

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Ever wondered about that simple eye accessory that makes movies come alive in the theatre? Yes I am talking about the cinema 3D glasses that you hardly spare a thought on while you sit back and enjoy the entertainment feast that is unfolding in front of your eyes on the screen. But this simple accessory is the catalyst that has ushered cinema and visual media into a whole new era of inexplicably powerful entertainment and thrill. Technology has taken an amazing journey while trying to reach where we are today in terms of 3D graphics and motion picture. Therefore, I urge you to take some moments here and actually get to know cinema 3D glasses and their history.

The technology

The basic working of cinema 3D glasses depends upon polarization and the phenomenon known as binocular vision. The lenses of these glasses can filter polarization of one kind and each lens is given different polarizations to work on. When you are wearing these glasses, your brain brings together these multiple images, exactly like the naked eye, creating the illusion as if the object being viewed has depth. On the basis of this phenomenon, cinema 3D glasses are used to make 3D movies, 3D laser shows, music concerts, video games and other visual media, more thrilling and exciting. Generally, two types of cinema 3D glasses are available in the market - linear polarized and circular polarized and both are available in different shades as well as sizes.

The history

When we talk about 3D movies and entertainment, the very first creation made in the field was way back in the year 1922. However, in terms of actual quality of cinema and entertainment, the 1950s is considered to be the decade of 3D movies. But the experience of watching cinema in those days using cinema 3D glasses was not as fun and comfortable as it is today. The movies needed two prints for projection, which made maintenance a cumbersome job. Then both the prints needed to be run perfectly in tandem with one another. If the synchronization was lost at any point, the movie was rendered completely unwatchable. Side seating would also pose a problem as the viewer would then have to tilt his head to watch the screen or the objects would appear ghostlike.

But with some more research and streaming film bioskop technological development, cinema 3D glasses were made to overcome all these obstacles, completely transforming what movie entertainment experience means in today's world. With huge hits like Kung Fu Panda, Avatar, Spy Kids and the rest ruling the box office on the back of 3D technology, more and more movie makers are now jumping on this bandwagon. And this revolutionary change has been brought about by a simple eye accessory - cinema 3D glasses.

Now you would understand the huge amount of hard work that goes into making a 3D movie. It is humbling and heartening to appreciate the fact that the fun and enjoyment we experience at the movies today would not have been possible without cinema 3D glasses.

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