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The Lemonade Diet By Stanley Burroughs

Krystle Kujawski (2019-04-30)

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At the Gastro Center of NJ - The Lemonade Diet by Stanley Burroughs was invented in 1941 and ever since then; it has been providing health relief to anyone who is willing to give it an honest try for 10 short days.

It is the only detox cleanse that's been acknowledged and approved by many health professionals. Here's what Mayo Clinic Gastroenterologist Michael Picco, M.D has to say about the Lemonade Diet by Stanley Burroughs, "the benefits include increased levels of energy, focus, and feelings of lightness."

Here's how you prepare the original lemonade diet by Stanley Burroughs.

For ingredients you would need,

-Organic Lemons

-Grade B Organic Maple Syrup (not the maple syrup on the breakfast table)

-Cayenne Pepper (preferably powdered instead of capsules)

-Unrefined Sea Salt

-Filtered Water

To prepare one serving of the lemonade diet drink, you would require

-2 tablespoons of lemon juice

-2 tablespoons of maple syrup

-1/10 tablespoons of cayenne pepper

-10 oz of filtered water

You should be able to consume from 6 - 12 servings of lemonade drink a day. When mixed the lemonade with cayenne pepper correctly, the taste would be spicy and gives you a kick!

Hot Tip: To make help make the process of detoxification more effective, you can adopt the 3 days easing in menu.  Because the Lemonade Diet by Stanley Burroughs is a drastic change in your dietary habits, the 3 days easing in menu helps you to adapt and focus your mind towards the successful completion of the 10 days Lemonade Diet by Stanley Burroughs. Your mind and body will be geared for the rigors of the full master cleanse program. Most people fail to complete the master cleanse program because of unexpected hardship with this cleansing program.

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