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Gum Disease

Edwardo Maxwell (2019-08-04)

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Gum disease, or Periodontal disease, is a general term that refers to inflammation or deterioration of your gum tissue, the surrounding tissue or bone. Our dentists in Glen Waverley will assist you with a diagnosis and treatment plan to ensure your gum disease cure disease does not progress.

Gum disease is progressive and chronic, so it will deteriorate if you do not receive treatment. When left untreated, gum disease can develop into more serious stages that can result in tooth loss.

It’s also worth knowing that even though your symptoms will appear in your mouth, periodontal disease affects the health of your entire body.

Gum Disease Prevention is Better Than Cure
Gum disease is caused by bacteria in the mouth; the same bacteria that cause dental decay.

Gum disease can be avoided by practicing good oral hygiene and planning maintenance visits to your dentist. Regular brushing, flossing and flushing can reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and prevent plaque build-up.

It starts with Gingivitis
Gingivitis causes swelling or inflammation, without the loss of dental tissue. Bleeding around the gums may occur if they are probed and they may also look shiny.

Gingivitis is caused when the bacteria in your mouth are out of control, and plaque and tartar build-up around the teeth is not removed.

It’s quite possible that you won’t feel or notice gingivitis developing in your mouth because inflammation can occur without pain, which is why regular dental check-ups are essential.

The most effective course of treatment is a deep cleaning of your teeth by your friendly Supreme Dental Care dentist, to get rid of the plaque and tartar.

We also recommend reviewing your daily dental routine to ensure you’re brushing correctly and flossing so that the tartar and plaque build-up does not recur. If detected early on, and by following a professional dental treatment plan your gums are likely to recover.

It can progress to Periodontitis
Periodontitis develops when gingivitis is left untreated and advances to the point of gum recession. Gum recession causes holes or pockets to develop between your gums and the roots of your teeth. These holes can accumulate plaque and bacteria over time and then cause deeper infections.

If periodontitis is not treated straight away, your gums and the bone in your jaw will weaken. As the infection gets worse, the fibres that join the gum and tooth will get loser and detach. It is also common for the gum and bone to shrink.

As the pockets deepen it becomes more difficult to clean them. Over time the plaque bacteria will leave behind a substance called Calculus.

And as the pockets get deeper various types of bacteria are attracted to them, and start to infect the tissues of the mouth. Once the bacteria have entered your blood stream, they can cause infections in different parts of your body.

In addition to your gums receding and being red and swollen, periodontitis may exhibit other symptoms including,

Sensitivity to extreme heat and cold
Gums that are prone to bleeding especially when you brush your teeth
Loose teeth
Problems or pain while chewing
Bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth.
Am I at a high Risk of Gum Disease?
While poor dental hygiene plays a role in the development of gum disease certain risk groups are more prone to developing it.

People who have diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity, as well as smokers and pregnant women, have shown greater prevalence of gum disease.

Save your Dental Health Today!
If pain or swelling in your gums has left a bad taste in your mouth, it is time to make an appointment to see us. Call us now on (03) 9802 0198 for a professional assessment.

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