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Dental Bridge vs Implant – How To Solve A Gappy Problem

Laverne Conforti (2019-08-03)

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Dental Bridge vs Implant – How To Solve A Gappy Problem
Over the past 30 years, teeth replacements have come a long way. While some of the procedures may be familiar, the questions you need to ask will be different. Nowadays it’s more about exploring your options, so questions such as "What’s the difference between a dental bridge vs an implant?’"; "Which is the best treatment option for me?"; and.."How will it fit into my lifestyle?" should all be taken into account. The good news is that whatever you decide, all solutions will solve your gappy problem. So which option do you choose.

Cheap vs cost effective

If you’re looking for a cost effective option, then you might initially think that cheaper is better. After all, a dental bridge is usually half the price of a dental implant right? True! But perhaps what you should be considering instead is how long do dental bridges last when compared to dental implants.

The reason?

If cared for properly a dental implant can last a considerable amount of time – 30 years or more. Whereas the shelf life of a dental bridge is usually less than half of that, so somewhere down the line you’re likely to be spending out cash on a replacement dental bridge. So while it may be cheaper, is it really cost effective? That’s something you’ll need to consider!

Surgery vs non surgery

While short-term or long terms costs may be a deciding factor, you should also take into account the type of procedure you’ll have to face. While here at Supreme Dental Care we offer all our patients a safe and pain-free dental experience during treatment, fitting dental implants still requires you to go ‘under the knife’. If this is something you’re terribly anxious about then you may want to go down the non-surgical route and get a dental bridge instead. In this instance while dental bridge recovery time is zero, for patients opting for implant treatment, they can expect a little discomfort after the surgical procedure, for a few days at least.

Stand-alone vs supported

As the sub-header of this section suggests, underlying dental bridge problems can occur due to the way that they’re fitted. Let me explain: A conventional tooth bridge relies on the support of adjacent healthy teeth to hold the framework in position. This means that usually, healthy teeth need to be shaped in order to support the framework of the bridge. When this happens they can become weakened and as such, may become susceptible to further problems later on down the line. Conversely dental implants are anchored directly into the jaw. After a period of time they merge with any remaining bone tissue, forming a strengthened platform. Once stable, the crown is then attached completing the look. As implants are self-supporting, they don’t require the help of other existing teeth, and therefore any adjacent teeth will remain intact and uncompromised.

The long-vs short term fix

Let’s face it, if you have a rather obvious gappy smile, then you probably want it fixed right away. The issue with conventional implant-based restorations is that they take time. Firstly implants need sufficient bone to be able to fit into. If this isn’t present, then even before any restorations are fitted, a bone graft will need to be done.

So what about if you have healthy and sufficient bone mass?

You’ll still need to set aside 2-3 months for any remaining bone tissue to fuse with the implant for stability. While you may receive a temporary crown to aid chewing and aesthetics, fitting an implant based restoration is still a 6-9 month process from start to finish. Conversely a dental bridge can be completed in as little as 2-3 visits spanning a few weeks.

So there you have it! When it comes to dental bridge vs implants as a means of plugging the gaps in your smile there are many considerations you need to take into account. Circumstances that suit one person might not suit another and it depends on what best meets your needs and requirements. To find out more, come and have a word with our team here at Supreme Dental Care. To book your no-obligation consultation, call us on (03) 8595 2628 and take the first steps towards restoring your less than perfect smile.

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