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They’re Playing Our Song-Why Every Couple Should Have a Theme Song The music begins

Stefan McAuley (2019-05-22)

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Theyre Playing Our Song-Why Every Couple Should Have a Theme Song

The music begins.  The handsome man in a tuxedo stands up from the elegant table and offers his hand.  The woman takes his hand, gazing into his eyes.  He murmurs, Theyre playing our song. The couple glides gracefully onto the dance floor. 

Ah, the romance!  I love a romantic image.   It is a lovely tradition for a couple to have their own song.   I have pondered on this quite a bit. I would like to propose that every couple should have their own song, not just for the romantic tradition, 벳이스트미니게임 but for the ability of the song to help awaken those loving feelings.  

In the last year I have been reading many books on the Law of Attraction, which states that what we think about and what we feel determines what we will attract into our lives.  I am sure this could be interpreted in many levels and in many circumstances, but what I have been thinking about is how I can improve the relationships I have by being positive about them, by thinking positive thoughts and feelings positive feelings.      

Here is a simple exercise that I have developed for this purpose.  My husband and I have been married for 23 years.   I decided to use the song that my husband and I selected as our song, to practice my loving and connected feelings.  Each morning I get up and step onto my treadmill.  I plug in my ipod and listen to Just You and Me by Chicago.   As I listen, I play a sort of montage of clips from our life together in my mind.   It is like a running video.  I remember and replay happy experiences, vacations together, romantic moments, and tender memories.  I picture these moments as I listen to Just You and Me, and sing along.   When the song is over, sometimes I play a second song, such as, Youre my Best Friend, by Queen and repeat the experience. 

Here is the interesting thing, when I am done I do feel more loving feelings.  I feel deeply connected to my husband.  I feel happy and positive about our relationship.   I find this interesting, because I do not even need to interact with him, to improve my feelings about him and about our relationship.   I encourage all couples, engaged, newlyweds, and seasoned veterans, to choose a song and listen to it often. 

Picture this:  The man rises from the table slowly, extending his familiar hand.   The woman smiles at him, takes his hand and whispers, Theyre playing our song.  The couple moves to the dance floor, all eyes are on them.   They place their wrinkled cheeks together, sway gently to the music, and remember the joys of the last 50 are Playing Our Song- A Couples' Guide to Chooseing a Theme Song

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ISSN: 19915837