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10 things you can do to be a good neighbor

Mirta Auger (2019-09-22)

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Just moved in? Or lived somewhere for a while and don't know who your neighbors are? It's never too late to say hello. Whether you're looking to up your neighbor game, or create a little community spirit, here are 10 things you can do to be a better neighbor.

29628099217_143b82180f_b.jpgIntroduce yourself: If you're new to the neigborhood take the time to go and say hello to the people you live next door 온라인카지노 to. This common courtesy can go a long way and makes a great first impression.

Make an effort to remember names: Some of us are better at faces than names, but knowing who your neighbors are can greatly improve your relationship with them. It shows a personal touch, even if you only ever say a quick hello in the hallway. And you never know when you might need a favor.

Offer to help: There are a number of ways you can help your neighbors, from keeping an eye out on their property or watering their plants while they are on vacation, to pet-sitting, running errands or doing odd jobs around the house. Elderly neighbors may particularly welcome help with tasks they can no longer do themselves.

Take over treats: This can be an ice-breaker when you move in, or something you do for others to welcome them into the neighborhood. Everyone loves treats so it doesn't matter what it is. It is also a nice thing to do if you know a neighbor is going through a hard time and shows you are thinking of them.

Give your neighbors a heads up: If you're throwing a party or an event which might make loud noise, it's nice to let your neighbors know in advance so they can be prepared. You could knock on their door and have a quick chat or leave a note in their mailbox if you are busy. Letting them know will save you having to deal with any noise complaints later on.

Have empathy for your neighbors: In every neighborhood people of all ages will be living side by side, all at different stages of their lives. Some might have just welcomed a newborn, while others may work night shifts so need more peace and quiet while they sleep in the daytime. Being considerate of them will hopefully mean they will be considerate of you.

Be available and say yes when you can: The more you see your neighbors, the better your relationship with them might be. This doesn't mean you have to go round to theirs all the time. It could be as simple as sitting out in your yard and waving and saying hi to people as they pass. If a neighbor asks for help with something, say yes if you can. That will make them more likely to do the same for you.

Create a community space: It could be a tiny garden in the front yard or a stack of board games if your complex has a lounge area or rec room. If you don't have the space, organising a community event, such as a movie night, is another way to bring your neighbors together.

Embrace the holidays: Whether it's Christmas, Easter, or Halloween, a holiday is the perfect time to get to know your neighbors better. Get into the spirit by decorating your house and joining in the fun. You could even organise an activity like an Easter egg hunt and get everyone involved.

Organise a block party: This is one of the best ways to get people together and could be something that takes place just once a year. It can be informal as you like to start with, but can go a long way in building the community around you. Once people get to know each other, you can set up things like a Facebook group, neighborhood watch, social groups and even annual community events. Give it a go and see what you can make happen where you live!

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