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Edyn completes its smart garden paradise with the Water Valve

Sadie Armbruster (2019-09-06)

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id="cnetReview" section="rvwBody"> Edyn has long promised a water valve to go along with the slickly designed Edyn Garden Sensor, and at CES 2016, Edyn's finally showing it off. With the ability to sync up to the sensor and deliver the exact amount of water your plants need, the water valve completes the Edyn system, making garden care that much more hands-free, and will be available for retail this Spring.

69267529_2471881033042069_11005861103245As expected, the design of the water valve looks great. Pictures had been released with the original Edyn Kickstarter back in 2014 and the whole system was designed by the Yves Behar led Fuseproject firm known for the August lock and Jawbone Up wearables. The water valve's price was $60 for preorder back during the Kickstarter campaign, and no retail pricing has yet been announced. Given the precedent of the sensor, 바우젠 though, I'd expect the final price to be similar. The Sensor's preorder and retail pricing were the same.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET The Edyn Water Valve will work with any above ground irrigation or hose fed system. It's not compatible with built-in irrigation systems, so it's not competitive with the likes of the Rachio Iro, the GreenIQ Garden Hub, or the Blossom Smart Irrigation Controller. It's more along the lines of the upcoming $67 Wise Orchard waterer. The Edyn Valve will work independently of the Sensor, but you'll obviously see more precise watering with the two working in tandem.

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