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Tantric Massage - A Tale of Extraordinary Passion

Travis Crandall (2019-09-05)

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A tantric massage provides the ultimate experience of sensuality, relaxation and intimacy. This rubdown can be experienced in a massage girl's incall apartment or from the comfort of one's own home or hotel suite. It is suitable for people of all ages and 홈페이지제작가격 is the perfect solution to help you relieve stress or fulfil your need for female contact. But, for all this erotic magic to happen, the following steps need to be taken to make sure that the experience is as indulgent as you had desired.

Zero Distractions, Ample Time

A tantric massage session cannot be a rushed encounter with your chosen therapist. You will certainly not enjoy the experience. This rubdown involves long, slow and gentle strokes that linger on to send ripples of excitement throughout your body. Typically, a masseuse alternate between hard and soft pressures to both relax and arouse the body. So, when you book a therapist, make sure that you have enough time on your hands to genuinely enjoy the experience. Moreover, you should keep your phone away and simply concentrate on the hand movements of the masseuse. There should not be any kind of distraction.

A Romantic, Safe Setting

Given the erotic nature of the rubdown, the right setting plays a critical role in making or breaking the experience. This is why tantric masseuses pay a lot of attention in setting the right mood before performing the massage. If you choose to visit your chosen therapist's incall apartment, you will be greeted by dim lights, aromatic whiffs of scented candles and soothing background music. This really helps in breaking the ice and allows your mind to get in the mood to have some fun. The same arrangements can also be made in your private residence if you are opting for an outcall massage appointment.

Luxury Oils

Massage oils or moisturisers are an important part of any kind of massage, especially one that is as sensual and erotic as a tantric rubdown. This body rub entirely depends on touch and sensations felt by the recipient. Therapists use oil to not just make the receiver's skin feel luxurious and luscious, but also to help them to slide their hands easily, covering every inch of the recipient's body. This heightens pleasure and there is little friction. However, if you have allergies with certain kinds of oils, you must relay your concerns to your chosen therapist.

Breathing Control

Along with awakening your dormant sexual energies, tantric massage teaches you to breathe in a controlled fashion. A tantric masseuse will encourage you to focus on your breathing as that helps in channelising the energies within the body. The entire experience is taken to another level by controlling your breathing.

Full Body Touch

Every single aspect of the tantric massage culminates to this - full body touch. This rubdown is different from other traditional massages because a therapist will touch every inch of you. No part of your body will be craving for attention during a London tantric massage. Initially, the therapist will start from the back and take her hands all the way to your shoulders and neck before coming down from the chest and all the way down to your inner thighs. She will even touch your genitals.

So, book a session and get ready to treat yourself to an evening of passion. This is an experience that will linger on and just its memories will help you feel content. London is one of the best places to indulge in this massage as there are discreet and reliable agencies offering this service.

London Tantric Massage provides relaxing and stimulating tantric massage services in the capital city of the UK. Their experienced, trained and alluring massage girls are available for both incalls and outcalls. This agency promises the most arousing and salacious massage experience at affordable rates. Their girls are always willing to accommodate special requests.

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