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Clean freaks: Share your thoughts about the iRobot Roomba i7+

Lillie Glyde (2019-09-04)

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다이슨 v11 종류 -text c-gray-1" >People have been arguing about the utility of robot vacuums for as long as there have been robot vacuums. Some feel they're just expensive gadgets with extensive limitations, while others see them as important steps toward a real-life Rosey from The Jetsons. While reviewing the Roomba i7+, Engadget's Devindra Hardawar thoughtfully weighed the pros and cons of iRobot's latest model, the i7+. It's quieter and offers a much-requested self-emptying feature, but it's also quite expensive and requires proprietary bags. Despite these trade-offs, it still earned a solid score of 87.

depositphotos_127186586<a href=-stock-illustration-different-types-of-tropical-fruits.jpg" alt="\uc5f4 \ub300 \uacfc\uc77c\uc758 \uc885\ub958 \u2014 \uc2a4\ud1a1 \ubca1\ud130 \u00a9 brgfx #127186586" style="max-width:430px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;">At the moment, there aren't any user reviews on the iRobot Roomba i7+ page so we don't know if people who have been using it regularly are having similar experiences as Devindra. Did you have trouble finding a spot for the 19 x 15-inch base? How well did Alexa work, if you connected it to one of Amazon's speakers? Were you impressed by how quiet the i7+ model is compared to previous models? How long did it take for the robot to map out your home? If you own a Roomba i7+, head over to our product page and leave a review (or, if you're in a rush, maybe just a score). Your responses will appear in an upcoming review roundup column so feel free to include as many details as you like!

Note: Comments are off for this post; please submit your thoughts and opinions on our iRobot Roomba i7+ product page. Thanks!

In this article: calltoaction, gadgetry, gadgets, gear, home, i7+, i7plus, irobot, robots, roomba, roomba i7+, thebuyersguide All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company. Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. 62 Shares Share Tweet Share Save Popular on Engadget
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