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Use a different password than you have previously used for other sites

Angelo Goll (2019-08-09)

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remote_control_pointed_at_a_tv_screen-10A) Use a good password
If you are creating your account, we recommend that you enter a different password than the one you use for Thunderkick review other sites. Our advice is a combination of upper and lower case letters and some numbers. Our experts also advise that you store your passwords properly so that you are sure that they can never be tampered with.

B) Use two-step verification
Although two-step verification (2 step verification) has only recently been introduced to the general public, it is a great extra layer of security. Although this form of protection can be quite annoying over time, the benefits easily outweigh the disadvantages and minor annoyances. Many sites already offer the option of logging in in two steps. It works as follows: first enter your password, exactly as you are used to. Then you enter a code, which is normally sent to your telephone or possibly your e-mail. A double protection compared to the traditional password.

C) Use the security questions

By using security questions you have a safety net in case you unexpectedly forget your password. Choose questions that in a sense apply to your own life and give answers that no one can easily guess.

D) Change your password once in a while
Passwords must be changed once in a while. Try to change your password at least once a month (make sure you choose a password that you can remember)

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