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Circa brings you just the news you need, when you want it

Roxana Moorman (2019-08-09)

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44565862321_47b7d3ec44_b.jpgid="cnetReview" section="rvwBody" data-component="indepthReview"> Circa News (Android|iOS) is a free news app that condenses top stories from the US and around the world into short, quick-read summaries so that you can stay on top of the news when you only have a few moments to spare.

The news team behind Circa combs through press releases, blog posts, and 토토사이트추천 new stories from major publications to get the most crucial bits of information, including quotes and photos, then combines each tidbit into a short article, called a storyline. You can follow storylines to get updates on new developments and browse the news by categories, such as technology, and science and health.

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