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uPVC Double Glazing Is The Popular Choice For Many People in Essex

Clayton Tallent (2019-07-25)

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Every year, many people in Essex install new double glazing, and the majority of them opt for uPVC. Why? Partly because of the price. Double glazing is, after all, a big-ticket item so if you can get a good set of windows for less than the cost of aluminium, timber, or composite, then why not?

uPVC windows are the most popular in the UK because apart from the relatively low cost they are durable, low maintenance, and energy efficient which means that they save you money on your utility bills - electric or gas heating, and air conditioning in the summer if you have them installed. Somewhere around 80% of people having new double glazing in Essex choose uPVC. They also have an average lifespan of around 20 years, so if your installation costs, say 8,000 and lasts 20 years that only works out to just over 7.50 a week, and they may, of course, last longer if you look after them.

uPVC windows consist of two panes of glass with a pocket of air between them. In some cases, this gap may be filled with an inert gas such as argon or krypton. This will increase the energy efficiency of the window. Adding argon will also add about 5% to the overall cost of the window but it will increase the U value - the energy rating - by about a third. The fact that there are two panes of glass

With a gap considerably reducing the amount that cold air from outside can affect the heat of the room, and it also prevents warm air from leaving the room. In addition, double glazing also reduces the amount of noise from outside that enters: this is particularly good if you live under the flight path of Stansted or Southend airports, or near to a railway line or a busy road.

Some people will opt to install triple glazing, and in theory this should further improve the energy rating and reduce noise to a greater degree. However, the fuel savings in the long term may not justify the extra cost of installation.

Energy ratings of windows run from A - E or A - G depending which system is followed (there are three). A is the most efficient, while E or G are the most inefficient. Under present building regulations, the minimum acceptable rating is C. However, the systems in use for measuring the energy rating now have a couple of extra levels which are A+ and A++. This is because improvements in window design over the last few years have made some windows even more efficient. The energy rating measures the overall efficiency of the window, rather than just the glass, and the higher the rating is, the more fuel you should save.

Some popular window styles available include...

The most common window designs in Essex - and in the rest of the UK as well - are casement windows. They are versatile and can be fitted to any type of home. Casement windows are hinged on one side and open outwards to 90° and sometimes further.

They are easy to open and close with a crank handle on the opposite side to the hinges which fold down when closed. They are also very secure with a multi-locking system which is often to the police approved Secured By Design standard. Casement windows are more energy efficient than sash windows, with some being awarded as much as an A++.

Sash windows are windows which have two parts which slide up and down. The top or dinding pvc bottom sections can be fully opened, so half the window area can let in fresh air. Of course, if it is raining outside the top sash can be lowered by just an inch or so to let in air without letting in rain. Sash windows are popular with people with older homes, and in some conservation areas they are compulsory. They were originally made from timber, but today uPVC can be used and can be in a woodgrain finish.

Bay windows are another popular design and protrude away from the wall. In some homes they are supported on brackets, but in others the bay has a brick base, which adds more space to the room.

Sovereign Home Improvements installs double glazing uPVC windows of any design in Essex that you wish. They can be traditional white, or of one of a wide range of colours, and can be a different colour inside from that of the outside.

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