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List of Viagra Side Effects and Benefits

Laverne Ringler (2019-03-28)

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Any time they you take a medication, is going to have side effects and benefits. With Viagra, is no different. Whether you decide to take generic Viagra or name brand, it will most likely have no side effects on you.

In other words, most people find that the benefits out weight any minor side effects that a rare percentage of the population have. However, this is not a cut and dried article. We will explore some of the more rare benefits and side effects that people are talking about from the last fifteen years of Viagra being available to the general public.

List of Rare Side Effects Of Viagra

In general, there are no problems for most people when they buy Viagra.  It is a perfectly safe medication.  However, if you have the following side effects, you should go to the Emergency Room immediately:

Heart attack or chest pains

Drug interactions with Heart Medications
There are also some minor reported symptoms including:


If you feel that you are having other symptoms related to Viagra, you should check with your doctor immediately.  Most likely, your doctor would not have prescribed it to you in the first place if he felt it could damage your health in any way.  You should err on the side of caution with any medication you take and use your best judgment when seeking medical attention.

List of Unexpected Benefits Of Viagra

Viagra and generic Cialis were originally developed as heart medication.

It was discovered that it improved the lives of men suffering from erectile dysfunction.  However, after many years of use, there were several unexpected benefits of Viagra and even generic Viagra.

Here is a short list of miraculous Viagra uses:

Newborns are saved by Viagra if they suffer from pulmonary hypertension.

Viagra is found to soften the effects of jet lag.

Viagra Og Levitra helps patients who suffer from problems getting blood to their lungs (pulmonary arterial hypertension)

Viagra is a miracle drug for heart patients that have trouble with their right ventricles.
Other Important Items to Include on a Viagra List

If you are one of the millions of men and women who buy Viagra online, no doubt that you are all too familiar with the need to get the best deal. 

Other important items to include on a Viagra list are:

Online pharmacies as the best place to get generic Viagra

Knowing the differences between generic Viagra and Herbal Viagra.

Getting to know your sex life all over again after taking Viagra.

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